Saturday, December 28, 2019

Evolution And Religion The Disconnection - 2016 Words

Evolution and Religion: The Disconnection For years, theologians and scientists have debacled as to which theories could be categorized as correct as opposed to incorrect theologies. On a larger scale, these individuals debate the question of the universe’s origin, as well as the origin of life itself. Some of the most contemplated questions theologians face are those that include thoughts regarding the creation of all living things. Whether or not all things that currently inhabit the world are derived from a single act that has yet to be defined, or if it perhaps the result of a combination of random, yet coinciding, events? The theory of Intelligent Design is perceived to be hold credible withstanding for approximately 50% of people†¦show more content†¦However, Young Earth believers also say that because of their beliefs, literal interpretation would lead people to believe that God is the Great Deceiver. Under this presumption, referring to God as the Great Deceiv er, it means that God has lied or tried to test â€Å"us† as individual believers of the faith, with fossils situated in different layers in the crust and areas around the globe. While some would explain these tests evolution, Young Earth creationist expel this idea and consider those who follow Darwin’s theory of evolution a failure to their faith in God’s creation. As an accepted scientific theory, evolution is the change in allele frequency in a population over time. It is in my opinion, irrefutable to argue the ideology of Young Earth creationism. It is a readily accepted scientific fact that alleles, genes, undergo minute mutations from generation to generation directly depending on what organisms of that species lived; survival of the fittest. Otherwise known as Natural Selection, Survival of fittest is the idea that only the organisms best adapted to the ecosystem may survive. This process, defined by Charles Darwin, is said to be a main constituent effec ting evolution. For example, if the ground and a mouse is white, it will most likely to be killed and or eaten based on the sole fact that it stands out against its darker counterparts. In continuation, if an animal of prey is slower than the rest of its pack,

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